New class alert! Muwashahat Rhythms and Reda Technique

An Egyptian pioneer of dance theater and co-founder of the Reda Troupe, Mahmoud Reda, and his principal dancers created a genre of dance that embraced many styles throughout the region. As a soloist, choreographer, and director of hundreds of productions from the Golden Era of Belly Dance and Egyptian Cinema, Mahmoud Reda is universally acclaimed for his dance style and appeal. His technique and choreographies have had tremendous artistic, social, and cultural impact on Egypt, and his work has inspired and shaped the art form of Arab (Raqs sharqi) dance as we know it today!

Our Sahara Dance resident teacher Jennifer is a Reda technique expert, and is teaching a new seven-week class on Monday evenings at 7:30 starting November 4:

Muwashahat Rhythms and Reda Technique

This series will focus on technique clarity and quality of movement and how it relates to rhythm and expression of emotion in dance. Each class will include strengthening, conditioning, and alignment drills, as well as combinations and exercises to allow for dancer development. The series will specifically draw upon Reda technique and Muwashahat rhythms and combinations in addition to foundational intermediate/advanced techniques and practice.

This class is best suited for Intermediate and above levels, but open to Low Intermediate students who want a challenge!