Perform With Sahara Dance At World Culture Festival

Perform with us at the World Culture Festival WCF! Sahara Dance is thrilled to be invited to represent Middle Eastern dance at the World Culture Festival and we want you to join us on the stadium stage! We will perform a 7- 8 minute choreography on this global stage, representing Egypt, Lebanon, and the Gulf. And, we’d love for you to perform with us!

What is it?

This is a huge event. The World Culture Festival brings together thousands of performers from diverse cultures on one stage, showcasing our shared humanity and rich cultural diversity, and sending a message of peace and harmony to the world.  The event will have thousands of people in attendance each day, and will be globally live-streamed with an estimated viewership of millions of people. The event will be attended by political and societal leaders around the world and will also have a representation from the UN.

You can get a glimpse of the past events and the vision of this event through this video:

The festival was officially launched in February 2023 along with the DC Mayor: The Mayor’s message and invitation video for WCF.

Where is it?

They are building a massive stage at the National Mall and it will be live streamed globally, and on jumbotrons.

When is it?

The festival is Sept 29 – Oct 1, 2023

The Sahara Dance performance will be either Sept 29 (or possibly Sept 30), after 4pm.


Who is it?

The event is produced on a volunteer basis by the Art of Living Foundation, and performers from around the world. We’ve invited Jillina to help choreograph and lead the Sahara Dance portion, along with Sahara Dance teachers. All summer student company members will be invited to learn the choreography and participate. There will be additional light costuming and rehearsal requirements to perform the piece at WCF. Additionally, we will likely do a version of the choreography, or some portion of it, as an all cast opening and/or closing number at the Summer Caravan Show on August 26.


The event is to promote peace and understanding through world cultural arts. It’s a wonderful honor and opportunity for Sahara Dance to share the joy and beauty of Middle Eastern dance on a global stage, and it will be broadcast widely. It will likely be a once in a lifetime event, uplifting and energizing for performers and attendees.


What Do I Need To Know If I’d Like To Perform?

All summer student performance company members will be invited to learn a second choreography for performance at WCF. This second choreography is in addition to, and separate from, company choreography for the performance at Summer Caravan on August 26th. There will likely be additional costume and/or prop requirements to perform at WCF.

If students want to participate:

1. Sign up for a summer performance company or the WCF Performance Intensive (not sure which company? Check out this post…)

2. Fill out the WCF Participant Interest Form (for security clearance)!

3. Fill out the WCF Casting Form (for us to set formations)!

4. Save the Dates below:

The Sahara Dance performance will be either Sept 29 (or possibly Sept 30), after 4pm.

Rehearsals will be 2-3 hours on two of these four dates (TBD) Sept 9, 10, 23, and/or 24 at the DC Armory. There may be additional rehearsals as well.

5.  Stay tuned for more info!

Jillina and I are really excited for this unique opportunity, and I hope you are too!

And, we’ll be brining Jillina and the Belly Dance Evolution experience to Sahara Dance & Washington DC in 2024 or 2025 for Alice in Wonderland! Prepare to audition for this special show by training on Jillina’s choreography, performance tips, and directorship this summer, as part of WCF!