

A native of Bahia, Brazil, Sonia is a renowned samba dancer and former Oba Oba dancer.

She has performed on Broadway and at Wolftrap, as well as the New Orleans Jazz Festival, Carnival de Quebec, Canada, Kingston Carnival, Jamaica, and in many theaters productions around the world.

Sonia is also a registered and licensed dietitian, as well as founder of Sambart Entertainment, a program dedicated to promoting Brazilian culture and ‘Carnaval’ celebration worldwide, and creator of PONSPO (Program of Nutrition and Samba to Prevent Obesity).

Sonia has been dancing professionally and teaching the art and magic of samba for 17 years. Her patience, energy, devotion, and unique teaching techniques make her samba classes fun and easy to follow. Sonia infuses samba with her heart, mind, body and soul.

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